CLF has identified the following six focus areas for implementing CSR Projects. These are in alignment with the capabilities & initiatives of the Foundation and its customers, while also adhering to the provisions outlined in the Schedule VII of the Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013.
Education is a key ingredient in the national human resource development arena and we have personally seen the transformation of lives due to the powerful impact of education. CLF draws strength from twenty five years of service of CL Educate in the area of education, to cater to the CSR initiatives in the endeavours of creating opportunity, access, inclusion and diversity, to impact the society and nation at large. The projects may include collaborating and supporting governmental initiatives in multifarious areas or being a platform for other funding communities to identify a project and execute.
Companies Act 2013, Schedule VII (ii) - promoting education, test-preparation for competitive examinations, special education and employment enhancing vocation skills especially among children, youth, women, elderly, and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects.
Our modest endeavours of supporting research and innovation of individuals as well as institutions will prove to be of immense value. The improvement in ranking of India in the Innovation Indices will make all the difference as we journey towards the $10 Trillion goal for our economy. The initiatives could support governmental endeavours as well as private initiatives to impact institutions and individuals in the space of research and innovation.
Companies Act 2013, Schedule VII (ix) - contributions or funds provided to technology incubators located within academic institutions which are approved by the central government.
CLF undertakes initiatives to build capacities of an institutions, in the form of enhancing capabilities of institutional leaderships, the human resources of the institutions or building systems, processes or designing pedagogy, curriculum, delivery mechanisms etc., that could empower the institutions and institutional leadership for transformation.
Companies Act 2013, Schedule VII -
Innovation and research may lead to prototypes, concepts, ideas that may have immense potential and can be incubated at a campus or an institution, or in an incubation lab elsewhere. A few may even move to productization and head towards marketplace. Each of the phases of this evolution will need hand-holding, mentoring and funding. CLF collaborates with like-minded entities, funding agencies to play a proactive role in making this lab-to-funding-to-market transition.
Companies Act 2013, Schedule VII, clauses ix -
The constant and nagging concern expressed by industry that our education system is not producing industry-ready talent is a real and present danger that needs to be addressed on a war-footing. The transformation of our economy into a formal, organized and developed one will hinge upon the citizens getting skills that are relevant in an increasingly demanding, globalized era of efficiency and automation. We believe that CLF can be a key change-agent in addressing this gap. Contributing to the readiness of our workforce and creating opportunities for the same is thus an area of focus and prime importance.
Companies Act 2013, Schedule VII (ii) - promoting education, including special education and employment enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly, and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects.
Many efforts of our scientists can help address the key topics of sustainability & environment - be it pollution control, water management, waste management, plastic utilization or social hygiene. We at CLF seek to drive home the message of Sustainability & Environment across every stakeholder in the community.
Companies Act 2013, Schedule VII (iv) - ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna, animal welfare, agroforestry, conservation of natural resources and maintaining quality of soil, air and water.